How should NPM packages exported things?

I structure npm packages in the same way following my standard package layout1.


This layout places all exports in a single index file: src\index.ts. The index.ts file explicitly exports the name of everything exported.

Example src\index.ts that exports something:

export { something } from "./something.ts" 

Only items explicitly exported by name from the index file are considered public exports. Only public exports should be used by consumers of the package.


The structure described in the layout is informed by the following values:

  • Optimize for the reader over the writer. Software will be read and reviewed more times than it is written.
  • Optimize for consumption. Packages are intended for consumption in other pieces of software so they should be optimized for their intended purpose.
  • Optimize for maintenance. Packages often need to be updated, make it easy to update the package for the consumer of the package.


These are scenarios that occur during package development and consumption.

  • What does the package export? How do I get a full list of everything that I should be able to publicly consume from the package?
  • Have the package exports changed? How do I tell if and when the package exports have changed?
  • If I need to import specific piece from the package where are those files with those pieces?
  • If I need to refactor the package and move files around how do I make sure the same things are exported?
  1. GitHub wandyezj/package