A reflection on some of my simple pleasures.

I love curling up by my milkhouse heater. The fan hums soothingly as it blows warm air on my cold extremities. I first saw an incredibly beat up version of the heater in a restaurant. I fell in love with the pleasant design and simple controls. I immediately purchased a version online for $20 when I got home. I've enjoyed it ever since.

I love munching on warm muffins and sipping hot tea. The familiar ritual of preparing tea and muffins is calming. I place a measuring cup of water in the microwave and heat on high for six minutes. Meanwhile, I rinse out my glass teapot, select a loose leaf tea, and measure the tea into the pots strainer. When the water boils I take it out of the microwave and pour it over the tea into the pot and set a timer on my phone. I then take some muffins out the the freezer and place them in the microwave for a minute. I wait for the tea timer to complete. I watch the color of the water in the teapot transform to a rich hue. Taking out the muffins from the microwave and breaking them in half releases their spicy scent. Removing the lid of pot and inhaling the aroma of the fresh brew is intoxicating. Removing the leaves from the pot, replacing the lid, pouring, hands around my favorite tiny hot cup - delightful. Preparing muffins and tea warms me.

I love reading books. A good book takes me on an adventure. Curled up with a heater and blanket, muffins and tea. A book allows my mind to relax and explore. Reading requires all my concentration. I tune out all of my surroundings. A good book captures my imagination and leaves me with a new perspective.

I love looking out onto a garden. While reading my eyes become tired or sometimes I need to ponder what I've read. I love glancing out a window into nature outside, green plants, current weather, clouds in the sky are all relaxing scenes.