Sometimes I wish to write about tricky topics.

I write exploratory thoughts, but then I wonder: what will other people think?

The internet is forever. My thoughts are growing, changing as I learn.

Will others step back and consider the writing simply an exploration, a picture at a point in time, or will they extract it from context and consider it something I stand for and believe at present?

My writing is a garden for me to explore, to relax, to think, to discover, to grow. I share my garden publicly, since I dislike walls.

Upon reflection, to my chagrin, I've discovered I'm pruning ideas before they sprout, since there are no walls to shield them.

I wish we lived in a world where we could all simply explore and learn together. Yet, that's not the world we live in, as we learn from a young age, our peers are not particularly tolerant.

What should I do?

Fear of others judgement and potential consequences, makes self censorship appealing.

Yet, how are we to make progress if some are not brave enough to challenge the quo, no matter the personal consequences?

Anonymity is an option.

Yet, anonymity goes against my belief people should be free to express their authentic selves as themselves. Plus, it seems foolish to put oneself in a position where one is constantly afraid of discovery.

Perhaps there is a middle ground?

Perhaps I can take care in my writing and make an effort to clearly separate exploration from personal belief.


Realistically, I know myself. I'm far too foolish to shy away, no matter the consequences, I'll likely write what I want. It's not bravery, it's stupidity.