There is a slight difference between property?: string and property: string | undefined.1 2 3

  • property?: string says the property may not exist, and - if the exactOptionalPropertyTypes flag 4 is not set - may have the value undefined.
  • property: string | undefined says the property will exist, and may have the value of undefined.
  • property?: string | undefined says the property may not exist, and may have the value of undefined.

Best Practice

Enable the exactOptionalPropertyTypes flag.

Use property: string | undefined to make sure a property is always included and deliberately set to undefined This may be useful to make sure a property isn't accidentally forgotten.

This is especially important for libraries to communicate how they check a property is undefined. For example o.x === undefined or Object.hasOwn(o, "x")5 or Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty(o, "x")6


Open Example in TypeScript Playground

interface A {
    property?: number;

interface B {
    property: number | undefined

// A example
const a:A = {

const a2: A = {
    property: undefined

// B example

// Invalid
//const b: B = {

const b = {
    property: undefined

console.log(a); // {}
console.log(b); // {"property": undefined}


  1. TypeScript Optional Properties

  2. Distinguish missing and undefined

  3. Strict optional properties

  4. TypeScript Exact Optional Property Types

  5. Object.hasOwn

  6. Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty