I've known about blogs; I've read few. I've often considered writing one of my own, so here goes.

Blogs often seem more for the benefit of the writer than the benefit of the reader.

There's something therapeutic about writing down the thoughts that spin in our minds. It's as if writing thoughts down gives them form. Capturing the inky swirling clouds of thought in text and pinning them on a page.

Writing down thoughts, feelings, and moods, is a stress management technique. Pinning down thoughts externally allows us to dissect, reflect, and understand. Writing things down gets them out of our heads. Thoughts can be caged and returned to at leisure.

There appear to be many benefits to the writer, but what about the reader? What would a reader gain by diving into others minds?

What the reader gains depends on the usefulness of the subject to them, and how well the writing communicates that subject to the reader.

It's a challenge to write well for both self and other. I anticipate that my log won't be particularly useful or well written. Instead the target will be self fulfillment, to extract thoughts so they no longer rattle around in my head, bringing quiet to my mind.

Well why even put it online at all if it's simply for myself? It's nice to pretend that there is an audience. Maybe someone will find some meaning in my thoughts. Perhaps that person will find comfort knowing others share similar thoughts and feelings and know they are not alone. That people have struggled through the same things before.

With that, I dedicate this log to the random ideas that pop into my mind and hope any readers are gentle and forgiving.